I chose to read the Twenty-Two Goblins unit this week. It’s an incredibly interesting and
entertaining unit and definitely has my brain working!
The set up for these tales are really cool. I like how each individual story is told by
the Goblin to try to trick the King.
However, the King is, unfortunately, clever enough to unravel the
riddles which sends the Goblin back and leads to yet another story. This is a really unique style and I might try
to work something similar into some of my own stories.
The only riddle that I was able to solve easily was The Girl, Her Husband and Her Brother. For
me, this riddle was easy, but the rest really stretched my brain. I solved one or two others, but barely!
There were no stories in particular that really grabbed my
attention on its own. Each story is
unique and interesting, but none were so outstanding that I could take any
ideas from it. I think it might be fun
to work some riddles into my own stories, but only if it works with my
story line.
Overall, I liked the setup of the stories in this unit. I like how they are all linked but in a more
subtle way that doesn’t interfere with the stories themselves.

Goblin Tree. Source: Wikipedia.
I haven’t started my reading yet for week five but this unit sounds pretty interesting! I might have to look into reading it myself. As for solving the riddles, I’m not always so good at them. Maybe I’ll get lucky and be able to figure out a few if I choose to do this unit. I might have to check back and see your storytelling assignment at the end of the week!