For Week 4, I chose to read another Grimm Brothers unit,
specifically the Grimm Ashliman unit. The
half of the unit that I read was very entertaining, but not particularly useful
for my potential storybook project. Most
of the stories were tales of animals and animal villains. There were a few stories that I could
potentially twist for my purposes, but I’m not sure right now. I’ll definitely have to think about it.
I found it interesting that the stories of Little Red Cap
and The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids were so similar. Of course the wolf was the villain who
devoured people or an animal’s children, but they were taken care of in the
exact same way. When someone discovered
what the wolf had done, they cut the wolf open to discover that the people were
alive and well, then they filled the wolf’s belly with stones. I thought that was rather different: the same
story told with slightly different characters.
Yawning Wolf. Source: Wikimedia
The Singing Bone was a fantastic story in my opinion. I would like to try to come up with some way
to work it into my storybook, although it would definitely take some work. I liked that one brother was killed by his
envious brother and that his bones sang the tale of his death. It was definitely unique for me.
I also like the story of Rumpelstiltskin. It would be a lot of fun to work this one
into my storybook. I’m not sure how I would
do it exactly, but it is a good fit for my idea for My Brothers Grimm. I might use it as my first story so that I have
an easy story to work out the kinks with, then work in the tales that would
require a little more creativity.
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