Saturday, September 12, 2015

My Brothers Grimm: Possible Styles


My Storybook will be about the only daughter in the Grimm family, Charlotte.  She will be following her brothers from story to story, helping them solve the mysteries and vanquish the monsters.  However, I don’t want them to know that she is helping them.  They think that she is at home, being a good little girl as is expected.  Like many girls, this is far from the truth. 

For my Storybook, I want to use the Grimm fairytales that have are based around a (more-or-less) human villain.  Be it witches or fairies or anything in between, I think that human monsters would be the best option for my storybook.  Because of this, I am thinking of including the story of Jorindaand Jorindel and possibly Hansel andGrethel.  Choosing which stories to use will be the hardest part, since I have to determine which ones will work with my idea. 


"Jorinda and Jorindel" from Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Edgar Taylor and Marian Edwardes (1912). 

"Hansel and Grethel" from Household Tales by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, translated by Margaret Hunt (1884). 

Possible Styles

Charlotte’s View:
This is the most straight forward option for my Storybook.  I would write the stories as Charlotte is living them, so the reader gets to experience the stories first hand.  They will get the emotions that Charlotte is feeling and get to hear her inner dialogue with herself.  Not to mention the reader would get to feel her fear and worry as she tries to help (or more often save) her brothers.

Dear Diary:
Another idea I have is to have the stories told in Charlotte’s diary.  With this style, the reader will be able to see what Charlotte thought about her adventures in retrospect.  The reader will be able to not only hear the about the adventure, but also her thoughts and feelings about how she could have dealt with the problems differently.  They will be able to see her doubt about not letting her brothers know she is helping them and the things that she is unwilling to tell anyone else about.

Bedtime Story:
Bedtime stories are always fun! Charlotte could be telling her young children about her adventures when she was younger.  The stories will be a little softer and will always have a happy ending since it is intended for a younger audience, specifically her young children.  No mother wants to terrify her children right before bed, so a happy ending to all the fairytales would be the right choice.  This would be almost a Disney-fied style, but Charlotte will still be a part of the tales since it is the story of her life.

Setting the Record Straight:
With this style, I thought it would be interesting to have Charlotte tell her brothers that she was always there with them.  Of course, they don’t believe her so she has to tell the stories with details that have never been told, details that would make it clear that she had to have been present.  My setup for this style is that her brothers were getting a little cocky and boastful one night, and Charlotte had enough.

Diary. Source: Flickr

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