Hi everyone! My name is Michaela Moses. This is my junior year at OU. While I am hoping it will be an exciting fall
semester, I’m really hoping that it will fly by! Why? Because I’m studying
abroad in the spring, that’s why! I am (hopefully) doing the OU in Arezzo
program and am beyond excited for it. My
application is submitted and now all I can do is wait, so let’s move on to more
that will let you get to know me!
(Image Information: Personal photo of myself; photo from July 2015.)
I grew up as a military brat. My father is a (now retired) pilot in the Air
Force. We moved to a new state every 2
to 4 years, but we also moved several times within the state while we tried to find/build our homes. As such, my family has always
been the most important thing to me.
Friends, things, places – they come and go, but my family has always
been there for me. This includes my
dogs. I have two dogs, a Bernese Mountain
dog named Sherlock and Moose, a German shorthaired pointer mix. Personally, I don’t think that life could be
complete without a dog.
(Image Information: Personal photo of my dogs, Sherlock and Moose; photo from December 2014.)
As you already know, I love the water. I have been working for the YMCA for
three years now, alongside a wide variety of interesting people and
patrons. I am a teacher, coach, and lifeguard. Teaching kids how to swim can
be both incredibly stressful and unbelievably entertaining. I’ve had kids who screamed in fear for the
entire class and kids who screamed “Look mom I’m swimming” for the entire class
(neither of which is entirely enjoyable when it’s done within inches of your ear)! However, when you get one of those kids who
listens to everything you say and gives you a hug at the end of every class, it
makes up for all the… rambunctious children.
Lifeguarding is another beast altogether. Combine the hot, humid air of an indoor pool
with the old people who constantly complain about the water temperature or your choice of music and it almost always results in a rather cranky
lifeguard. But just as with the lessons,
you do get those patrons who are just so nice and friendly that they can make
even the worst day into a good one.
ESPECIALLY if they bring food with them.
Outside of work and school, I love to watch movies, read, hang
with friends, and eat. My favorite
movies are pretty much all the Marvel movies, with the Captain Americas and the
Avengers being at the top. I used to
read a lot, but with school and work, my reading time has definitely been
limited. I have done several 5ks with my
friends, including the Mud Run this summer, which was definitely one of my
favorites! Slogging through mud alongside a friend and hundreds of other people is surprisingly entertaining. Beyond that, I just LOVE to eat.
I’m not particularly picky as to what I’m eating as long as it’s
good. In fact, food is how my friends
typically get me to go places. The
promise of food will get me to do and go just about anywhere they want. And like most college students, free food is
always amazing. Most recently, I’ve
gotten addicted to a restaurant in Midwest City called the Creperie and European Cafe. It is delicious!

(Image Information: Personal photo of my friend and I after we completed the Mud Run; photo from June 2015.)
Well, I hope that this helped you get to know me a little better! If you have any questions, just let me know! I would be more than happy to answer them!